Tip of the Week: Strategies to Properly Inventory Your Technology

The modern office has a ton of devices that need to be tracked and monitored, but how do you do it? How do you make sure that you are keeping track of each device, such as what they are, who is using them, and how they are being used? If you are not currently tracking your technology, it’s time to start doing so. An inventory management system can make this task much easier and more efficient.

Do You Need One?

You might be wondering why you need a solution like this, and the answer is actually quite simple: to protect your business and reduce risk. Even small businesses are constantly assigning and reassigning devices that are taken out of the office. Even the average employee has, at the very least, a work desktop that remains at the office, a laptop for performing remote work, and a company-issued smartphone to stay connected to the office while traveling. From both a financial and security perspective, it makes sense to have a way of tracking these devices.

A tracking system consists of two components: the tracking method and the record-keeping method. Some organizations opt to keep a paper ledger of technology, but if you’ve been following us for any amount of time, you know that we are going to suggest that technology can easily replace this method with a more efficient and secure one. Paper ledgers are prone to user error, and you want to minimize the chance that something could go wrong, especially in regards to your assets like business tech.

Tracking Methods

There are two main methods of tracking business technology. The first is a barcode scanner system. You assign a piece of technology such as a laptop or smartphone, a barcode. When the device is assigned to an employee, all you have to do is scan the barcode. This updates the record system that the device has been checked out, as well as other important information that needs to be recorded.

The other method for tracking technology is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. The two are similar, but the primary difference is that unlike barcodes (pieces of paper with codes printed on them and attached to a device), RFID uses unique microchips that are attached to the device. The two types of RFID are passive and active; an active system tags a device through a reader, similar to the scanner mentioned previously, whereas a passive system tags the microchip when it enters or leaves a specific radius.

Electronic Record Keeping

No matter which method of tracking you use, it should be able to communicate automatically with your electronic record-keeping system. The information stored should include the following: who is taking the device, what the device is, what it will be used for, and how to contact the individual who has taken the device. Feel free to include other pertinent information, too. Basically, the idea here is to include as much information as necessary to contact the individual should you need to track down the assigned device.

Let’s Get You Started

This kind of tracking system can be used for so much more than just technology, too. Lantek can help you implement a solution that is capable of tracking your inventory, helping you reduce waste, and increase your bottom line.

You’ll be happy to hear that we practice what we preach, especially when it comes to our clients’ technology. When we work with a business, we make sure to carefully track every device that we assist you with. This gives us the ability to track any support we provide regarding that device. Documentation is key to making sure that we can extend the lifespan of your technology well beyond expectations, and it helps us provide the best services possible.

To learn more, reach out to us at (610) 683-6883.

June 9, 2021
Shawn Kramer