News flash: just because you’re a smaller business doesn’t mean you’re a smaller target for cyberattacks. You’re not immune, and you can certainly fall prey to the unfortunate reality of the modern cyberthreat landscape. If anything, small businesses are the perfect target, and we’ll explain why.
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Nobody likes getting big, unexpected bills from tech companies—neither the business owners who have to pay them nor the employees who might feel responsible for causing them. Small businesses face a tough choice: spend money to keep employees productive or save money and deal with slowdowns.
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"I don’t need to worry about cybersecurity… my business is too small to be in the crosshairs of hackers."
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If you want to discuss the single most influential technology for the modern era, there’s a lot of competition—but the cloud is a serious contender. Through the cloud, your organization can pull off feats previously impossible for all but the largest and most profitable companies. Today, we want to look at how small businesses use the cloud and how you benefit from the various models.
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Have you noticed the profound impact modern technology has on your business? Do you want to leverage it to your advantage? If you want to surpass your competition, then you’ll need every advantage out there. Let’s look at some of the technologies that your business can implement to give itself a leg up through marketing efforts.
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The cloud has made quite a splash, even in our everyday lives. Think about it: how else would all those streaming services work, if it wasn’t for the cloud? Entertainment at our fingertips aside, we’re big fans of cloud services for business purposes, and there are a few very good reasons for that.
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The modern business landscape is fueled, in large part, by something we refer to as professional services. This typically includes any business model with trained professionals at the center of the business. In today’s economy, this can include tradesmen, but typically, it means consultants, lawyers, agents, and other professionals essential to moving business forward. Today, we thought we would briefly go into some of the technologies that professional services depend on.
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Nowadays, a business can’t really get by without using technology in some fashion, and wherever technology is involved, it greatly helps to have a reliable resource on hand to keep it functioning as expected. This is the role of a managed service provider, and while a partnership with one can be a great business asset, this is predicated on the value that the Managed Services Provider (MSP) actually provides. Let’s go over a few reasons that a MSP is a good resource for small and medium-sized businesses, and how you can identify the best option for you.
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Technology brings a lot of benefits, but it can also cause problems. Small and mid-sized businesses that rely on technology will have to confront these challenges to get the most out of their IT. Let’s take a look at three of the most common technology problems that SMBs face.
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Nowadays, technology and business are intimately interconnected, the success of your operations and processes largely informed by the tools you have in place. Let’s go over three ways you can help boost your potential success even further by implementing the right methods.
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