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    Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, not tech-related stress. To ensure your devices are safe from cybersecurity threats and weather-related issues, we’ve compiled some essential tips.

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    Losing your phone can be a distressing experience. Not only does it leave you disconnected from the digital world for the time being, but it also poses significant security risks for you and your organization if you use it for work. Taking a few steps can help you reduce the damage and even help you retrieve your lost device. Here's what to do after you've lost your phone.

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    Laptops are powerful tools for office productivity, particularly due to their mobile nature. In the workplace, however, more users prefer to have the screen real estate offered by multiple monitors and traditional desktops. You can get more bang for your buck, however, by using a laptop that can work while it’s closed, thereby transforming it into something like a PC tower.

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    We aren’t shy in terms of talking about phishing, its dangers, and what can be done to prevent it. However, it can be too easy to focus directly on email phishing and exclude the many other forms that phishing can and often does take.

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    We like to look at the new smartphones that hit the market each and every year, but this year presents an interesting change. The past several years have seen a marked decrease in innovation, and there are fewer companies producing smartphones than before. The reason for this is unclear, and it could be due to any number of factors, including market dynamics, supply chain shortages, or the costs associated with manufacturing. However, it has had profound impacts on major names in the industry, including Amazon, LG, and HTC, as well as Microsoft, Sony, and Nokia.

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    Look, no one has perfect spelling or grammar, which is why autocorrect as a feature exists in text-based applications. That said, it can often provide you with inaccurate or context-clueless suggestions, leading to much confusion and frustration. Let’s take a look at how you can make autocorrect work better for you, or if you are just sick of it altogether, disable it.

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    Users of Android devices might notice that they have the option to make a call using their Wi-Fi in addition to using their mobile service or data. While there is certainly something to be said for using a wireless connection when you don’t have mobile service, there are circumstances when you might not want to default to using a Wi-Fi connection.

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    When it comes to mobile devices, you have a fine line to tread with security. On one hand, you want to make sure your devices are protected properly from all manners of threats. On the other, you need to balance this with productivity, and ensuring that your employees don’t feel overly restricted by your policies. To help you implement appropriate mobile device security practices, we’ve put together three of the top issues you should plan for and how you can address them.

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    People on average spend nearly 3-to-5 hours of their day on their phones. Today’s smartphones are not only one of the coolest pieces of technology ever invented, it legitimately could be one of the most useful devices any person could use for business; if they are willing to use it that way. Today, we will establish what smartphones are mostly used for and how to readjust your smartphone usage to be your most productive. 

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    All of the big names in the smartphone industry have produced some incredible flagship devices, but this doesn’t mean you should only consider some of the “top tier” innovations out there. Here are some of the more interesting and innovative devices on the smartphone market today.

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