If your business were breached by a cybercriminal, would you be able to figure out what caused the breach in the first place? If you don’t know the answer to this question, we have news for you—you’re far from the only one. A recent survey has shown that most security leaders (67% of those surveyed) don’t know what caused a cybersecurity incident, and it’s a problem that must be addressed.
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On Friday, July 18th, a global update—codenamed “Falcon”—to cybersecurity company CrowdStrike’s software triggered events that brought major infrastructures and societal needs to their knees… despite affecting less than one percent of all Windows systems.
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Sometimes, it seems like the most complex aspect of modern technology is the naming conventions used by big vendors for all of their products. It’s a problem with consumer electronics, it’s a problem with enterprise products, and sometimes it feels like some companies make their products as confusing as possible on purpose… I’m looking at you, Microsoft.
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You’ve more likely than not purchased a ticket through Ticketmaster at some point in your lifetime, so you might be interested to find out that Live Nation Entertainment—Ticketmaster’s parent company—has had to file an 8-K with the Security and Exchange Commission to admit that 1.3 terabytes of data had been hacked. The result is that more than 560 million customers’ personal information was stolen from company servers.
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The Internet is pretty awesome. Unfortunately as much as it provides individuals and businesses, alike, it poses significant risks. Today, we thought we would discuss a security issue that not many people consider, Google searches, and how they can lead to cybersecurity problems.
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More often than not, the malware you encounter will target a desktop computer. Despite this, there are indeed some threats that target mobile devices, including one which Google had to remove from the Play Store for infecting smartphones with malware and adware. We recommend that you take immediate action to uninstall these apps if you were one of the unfortunate folks who accidentally installed them.
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Microsoft generally takes security very seriously, and for the most part, if you keep your Windows and Server operating systems updated, you can generally depend on some base-level security and stability. Unfortunately, it was recently discovered that, for almost two years, a very critical defense mechanism within Windows wasn’t being properly secured.
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Purchasing new technology sure is exciting… until you realize that it comes preloaded with loads of software that not only slows your device down but could also be harmful or irritating to deal with. What can you do about this unneeded and unwanted software? We recommend that you read this blog to find out.
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Using USB drives to spread threats is certainly not a novel concept, and you should always be wary of potential threats using USB drives to make their rounds. In particular, a new and emerging threat called the Raspberry Robin worm could shake things up in the world of cybersecurity. What is this threat, and how can you keep yourself and your business safe from its attacks?
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A new type of Android malware called “toll fraud malware” has been discovered, leading many individuals to question why they are being signed up for services that they do not want. In other words, there is malware out there that is spending users’ money without their permission. How rude!
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